The 7 Best Substitutes for Almonds

Almonds are a popular nut that is used in many recipes and dishes, from salads and granola bars to cakes and cookies. However, not everyone can eat almonds, whether it’s due to allergies or dietary restrictions. Fortunately, there are many other nuts and seeds that can be used as substitutes for almonds. In this article, we’ll explore the 7 best substitutes for almonds, their benefits, and how to use them in recipes.

What is Almond?

Almonds are a type of nut that grows in the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. Technically, the almond fruit is a drupe, classified as a stone fruit, with an outer hull enclosing the edible seed inside, which we commonly refer to as the almond nut. The seed can be eaten raw or cooked, depending on the dish. Sweet and bitter are the two varieties of almonds available in the market.

Sweet almonds are usually sold for eating purposes, while bitter almonds are used for extracting oil and flavoring foods like marzipan and amaretto liqueur. Almond skins can be removed by briefly blanching them in hot water before they’re consumed or used as ingredients in recipes. The nuts themselves have a crunchy yet creamy texture with a slightly sweet taste that makes them a popular addition to salads, baked goods, desserts, and other dishes.

Best Almonds Substitutes

1. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great substitute for almonds, as they have a similar texture and flavor. They are also much cheaper than almonds, making them a budget-friendly option. Sunflower seeds are also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium.

Sunflower seeds can be used in a variety of recipes, including salads, granola bars, and baked goods. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use sunflower seeds as a substitute for almonds, simply replace the almonds with an equal amount of sunflower seeds.

2. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are another great substitute for almonds. They have a similar texture and flavor to almonds, and are also rich in nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Pumpkin seeds can be used in many recipes, such as salads, soups, and baked goods. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use pumpkin seeds as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of pumpkin seeds.

3. Cashews

Cashews are a popular nut that can be used as a substitute for almonds. They have a creamy texture and a mild flavor that works well in many recipes. Cashews are also rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Cashews can be used in a variety of recipes, such as smoothies, sauces, and baked goods. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use cashews as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of cashews.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are another nut that can be used as a substitute for almonds. They have a crunchy texture and a slightly bitter flavor that works well in many recipes. Walnuts are also rich in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Walnuts can be used in a variety of recipes, such as salads, baked goods, and oatmeal. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use walnuts as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of walnuts.

5. Pecans

Pecans are a nut that can be used as a substitute for almonds. They have a sweet, buttery flavor and a crunchy texture that works well in many recipes. Pecans are also rich in nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and vitamin E.

Pecans can be used in a variety of recipes, such as pies, cakes, and granola bars. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use pecans as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of pecans.

6. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, also known as filberts, are another nut that can be used as a substitute for almonds. They have a rich, nutty flavor and a crunchy texture that works well in many recipes. Hazelnuts are also rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, and folate.

Hazelnuts can be used in a variety of recipes, such as cakes, cookies, and spreads. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use hazelnuts as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of hazelnuts.

7. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are a nut that can be used as a substitute for almonds. They have a creamy texture and a mild flavor that works well in many recipes. Brazil nuts are also rich in nutrients such as selenium, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Brazil nuts can be used in a variety of recipes, such as cakes, cookies, and smoothies. They can also be roasted and seasoned for a delicious snack. To use Brazil nuts as a substitute for almonds, replace the almonds with an equal amount of Brazil nuts.


In conclusion, there are many nuts and seeds that can be used as substitutes for almonds. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and Brazil nuts are all great options that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Each substitute has its own unique flavor and texture, so it’s worth experimenting to find the one that works best for you. With these substitutes, you can still enjoy your favorite recipes and dishes even if you can’t eat almonds.

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