The 7 Best Substitutes for Yogurt in Baking

Baking with yogurt has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its numerous benefits. Yogurt adds moisture, flavor, and a tangy taste to baked goods. However, for those who cannot consume yogurt due to dietary restrictions, lactose intolerance, or other reasons, finding a suitable substitute can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many substitutes available that can be used in place of yogurt in baking. In this article, we will explore the 7 best substitutes for yogurt in baking.

What Does Yogurt Do in Baking?

Yogurt is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways in baking. One of the most significant benefits of yogurt is that it adds moisture to baked goods, making them tender and soft. Additionally, the tangy flavor of yogurt can provide a delightful taste to muffins, scones, and quick breads. Yogurt’s acidity can also help activate baking soda or powder, serving as a leavening agent and aiding in the dough’s rise. Yogurt can also help tenderize dough, resulting in a softer texture. Finally, using yogurt in place of high-fat ingredients like sour cream or cream cheese can provide a healthier option while adding probiotics that are beneficial for gut health.

Best Yogurt Substitutes in Baking

1. Sour Cream

Sour cream is a great substitute for yogurt in baking because it has a similar texture and tangy flavor. It can be used in place of yogurt in most baked goods, such as cakes, muffins, and quick bread.

To substitute sour cream for yogurt, use an equal amount of sour cream for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that sour cream has a higher fat content than yogurt, so you may need to adjust the other ingredients accordingly.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is another great substitute for yogurt in baking. It has a tangy flavor and a slightly thinner consistency than yogurt, which can make it a good substitute for recipes that require a thinner batter.

To substitute buttermilk for yogurt, use an equal amount of buttermilk for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Buttermilk can also be used in recipes that call for milk or cream.

3. Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is a non-dairy substitute for yogurt that can be used in vegan and dairy-free recipes. It has a rich, creamy texture and a slightly sweet flavor that can add a unique twist to baked goods.

To substitute coconut cream for yogurt, use an equal amount of coconut cream for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that coconut cream may alter the flavor of the baked goods slightly.

4. Applesauce

Applesauce is a healthy and low-fat substitute for yogurt in baking. It adds moisture to the baked goods and can be used in recipes that call for a small amount of yogurt.

To substitute applesauce for yogurt, use an equal amount of applesauce for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that applesauce has a slightly sweet flavor and may affect the overall taste of the baked goods.

5. Silken Tofu

Silken tofu is a non-dairy substitute for yogurt that can be used in vegan and dairy-free recipes. It has a smooth, creamy texture and a neutral flavor, which makes it a versatile ingredient in baking.

To substitute silken tofu for yogurt, use an equal amount of silken tofu for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that silken tofu may alter the texture of the baked goods slightly.

6. Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a good substitute for yogurt in recipes that require a tangy flavor and a creamy texture. It can be used in recipes such as cheesecakes, frostings, and dips.

To substitute cream cheese for yogurt, use an equal amount of cream cheese for the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that cream cheese has a higher fat content than yogurt, so you may need to adjust the other ingredients accordingly.

7. Milk and Lemon Juice

Milk and lemon juice can be combined to create a substitute for yogurt in baking. The acid in the lemon juice reacts with the milk to create a tangy flavor and a thick, creamy texture.

To substitute milk and lemon juice for yogurt, mix 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and let it sit for a few minutes until it thickens. Use the same amount of this mixture as the amount of yogurt called for in the recipe.


In conclusion, there are many great substitutes for yogurt in baking that can cater to different dietary needs and preferences. The 7 best substitutes we have discussed are sour cream, buttermilk, coconut cream, applesauce, silken tofu, cream cheese, and milk and lemon juice. When substituting, it is essential to keep in mind the texture, flavor, and fat content of the substitute and adjust the other ingredients accordingly.

To choose the best substitute for your baking needs, consider the recipe and what the yogurt is being used for. For example, if the recipe requires a tangy flavor, sour cream, buttermilk, or cream cheese may be a good option. If the recipe is vegan or dairy-free, coconut cream or silken tofu may be a better option.

Experimenting with different substitutes can add a new twist to your baking and cater to different dietary needs. So, next time you’re out of yogurt or unable to consume it, try one of these substitutes and see how it turns out!

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