How To Fix Grainy Buttercream?

Buttercream is a versatile and delicious frosting that can be used to decorate cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts. However, one of the most common problems that bakers encounter when making buttercream is graininess. Grainy buttercream can be frustrating, but fortunately, it’s usually fixable with a few simple steps. In this post, we’ll go over the causes of grainy buttercream, how to fix it, and tips for preventing it from happening in the future.

What Causes Grainy Buttercream?

Grainy buttercream can be caused by a variety of factors, including temperature, ingredients, mixing, and storage. One common cause of graininess is using cold butter or chilled ingredients. When cold butter is mixed with sugar, it can create a lumpy, grainy texture. Using powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar can also contribute to graininess, as can adding too much liquid to the buttercream.

Another possible cause of grainy buttercream is over-mixing. If you mix the buttercream for too long, it can cause the fat in the butter to separate and create a grainy texture. Finally, improper storage can also lead to grainy buttercream. If the buttercream is exposed to heat or humidity, it can cause the sugar to dissolve and then recrystallize, leading to a gritty texture.

Can Grainy Buttercream Be Salvaged?

The good news is that grainy buttercream can usually be salvaged with a few simple steps. Depending on the cause of the graininess, you may need to heat, cool, or remix the buttercream to get it back to a smooth texture. In some cases, you may need to start over with a fresh batch of buttercream, but it’s always worth trying to salvage the buttercream first.

How to Fix Grainy Buttercream: Overview

The process for fixing grainy buttercream involves a few basic steps. First, you’ll need to determine the cause of the graininess. Then, you can take the appropriate steps to fix the issue. Generally, you’ll either need to heat, cool, or remix the buttercream to get it back to a smooth texture. Here’s an overview of the steps involved:

  1. Identify the cause of the graininess
  2. Heat, cool, or remix the buttercream as needed
  3. Test the buttercream to make sure it’s smooth
  4. Use the buttercream as desired

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Grainy Buttercream

  1. Heat the buttercream – If the buttercream is grainy because the butter was too cold, you can try heating it up slightly to soften the butter. Place the buttercream in a heatproof bowl and set it over a pot of simmering water. Stir the buttercream occasionally until it’s soft and smooth.
  2. Cool the buttercream – If the buttercream is grainy because it’s too warm or has been exposed to heat, you can try cooling it down to firm up the butter. Place the buttercream in the fridge for 15-20 minutes, then remove it and let it come to room temperature. Once it’s at room temperature, beat it again until it’s smooth.
  3. Remix the buttercream – If the buttercream is grainy because it’s been over-mixed or the ingredients weren’t properly incorporated, you can try remixing it. Use a paddle attachment on your stand mixer or a hand mixer to beat the buttercream at medium speed until it’s smooth and creamy.
  4. Test the buttercream – Once you’ve heated, cooled, or remixed the buttercream, it’s important to test it to make sure it’s smooth. To test the buttercream, take a small amount and rub it between your fingers. If it feels smooth and creamy without any grittiness, then it’s ready to use. If it still feels grainy, you may need to repeat one of the previous steps.
  5. Use the buttercream – Once you’ve fixed the graininess, you can use the buttercream as desired. If you’re using it to frost a cake or cupcakes, be sure to spread it evenly and smoothly. If you notice any remaining graininess, you can try smoothing it out with a spatula or offset knife.

Tips for Preventing Grainy Buttercream

While it’s possible to fix grainy buttercream, it’s always better to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some tips for preventing graininess in your buttercream:

  1. Use room temperature ingredients – Make sure your butter and other ingredients are at room temperature before making the buttercream. This will help them mix together smoothly.
  2. Use granulated sugar – Use granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar in your buttercream recipe. Powdered sugar contains cornstarch, which can contribute to graininess.
  3. Don’t over-mix – Mix the buttercream until it’s just combined and smooth. Over-mixing can cause the fat in the butter to separate and create a grainy texture.
  4. Store the buttercream properly – Store the buttercream in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. If you need to store it for longer, freeze it in an airtight container for up to three months.
  5. Make small batches – It’s easier to control the temperature and mixing of a small batch of buttercream than a large one. If you need to make a large batch, consider making it in smaller batches and then combining them.


How can I tell if my buttercream is grainy?

You can tell if your buttercream is grainy by rubbing a small amount between your fingers. If it feels gritty or sandy, then it is likely grainy.

Why does my buttercream get grainy when I add certain ingredients?

Certain ingredients, such as cold liquids or high-liquid ingredients like fruit purees, can cause the buttercream to become grainy. This is because they can cause the fat in the butter to solidify and form small clumps.

Can I use a hand mixer or do I need a stand mixer to fix grainy buttercream?

You can use either a hand mixer or a stand mixer to fix grainy buttercream. However, a stand mixer may be more efficient at incorporating the ingredients evenly.

Can I add more powdered sugar to fix grainy buttercream?

Adding more powdered sugar may not always fix grainy buttercream. In some cases, it may make the buttercream even more grainy. It’s important to identify the cause of the graininess before attempting to fix it.

Can I use melted butter to fix grainy buttercream?

No, using melted butter will not fix grainy buttercream. In fact, it may make the problem worse by causing the buttercream to separate.

Can I still use grainy buttercream for my cake/cupcakes?

Technically, you can still use grainy buttercream for your cake or cupcakes, but the texture may not be as smooth and creamy as you would like.

Can I fix grainy buttercream if it’s already on my cake/cupcakes?

It may be difficult to fix grainy buttercream that’s already on your cake or cupcakes. You can try smoothing it out with a spatula or offset knife, but it’s best to fix the graininess before using the buttercream.

How long does it take to fix grainy buttercream?

The time it takes to fix grainy buttercream depends on the cause of the graininess and the method used to fix it. In some cases, it may only take a few minutes, while in other cases it may take longer.

Can I freeze my buttercream after fixing it?

Yes, you can freeze your buttercream after fixing it. Just make sure to store it in an airtight container and thaw it in the fridge before using.

How long will my fixed buttercream last?

Fixed buttercream will typically last for up to a week in the fridge or up to three months in the freezer. Just make sure to store it in an airtight container to prevent any contaminants from getting in.


Grainy buttercream can be a frustrating problem, but it’s usually fixable with a few simple steps. By identifying the cause of the graininess and taking the appropriate steps to fix it, you can salvage your buttercream and use it to decorate your cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts. And by following the tips for preventing graininess, you can help ensure that your buttercream turns out smooth and delicious every time.

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